- R: G: B:
- R: G: B:
- R: G: B:
- R: G: B:
- R: G: B:
ManyMe is a company concerned with your security.
Companies, hackers and spammers can track and profile you by to whom and what you send via email. ManyMe is a free online service that makes it easy to automagically create and substitute email identities to protect your primary address and control your inbox.
User Perception
A priority and necessity for Manyme is to alert and inform consumers. Email is ubquitous yet its implementation relies on standards that are 20+ years old when security and malice were less a concern. To address this Soapbox created bolded graphics to warn and emphasize the direness of that message.

Manyme spent alot of time to make their product non-intrusive to users. The system will create new email accounts for you on the fly if someone emails an account that matches any of yours based on a "Like-ness" algorithm. They wanted their sign up process to be just as easy for users. Soapbox spent time with them to optimize the screen flow, information presented and number of steps required by the user.